Nightwing Calisthenics Workout

Nightwing Workout


In this segment of the Superhero Training series, we are kicking off our first episode of the calisthenics workout with Dick Grayson, also known as Nightwing!

You guys and gals really enjoyed these Nightwing workouts, so we are bringing in our third workout, which will transform your body through bodyweight training, enhance your body control like a gymnast, and build strength and mobility.

Since we already covered stats and principles in the breakdowns, we are going straight into the workout!

And if you missed it, you can check it out here.

Want to learn more about Calisthenics?

Check out the best methods to make your bodyweight workouts AWESOME without overtraining, compromising simplicity, or plateauing.

And for those that want more awesome free workouts, you can check them out in our training lists:

Don't worry—we have plenty of additional resources to apply to your training.

Note: This workout is strictly based on Calisthenics. It is tailored for those who may not want to commit to a gym membership or simply prefer bodyweight workouts.

This workout will be a full calisthenics workout inspired by Nightwing.

Let's get into it!

Nightwing gymnastics workout


Workout Frequency: 1 day (repeatable)

Training Description: This workout will help you achieve gymnast-level strength and endurance like Nightwing


  1. Dynamic Stretching: Arm circles, leg swings, and torso twists.

  2. Jump Rope: 3 minutes to increase heart rate and improve coordination.

  3. High Knees: 2 minutes to activate the core and legs.

Workout Routine

Upper Body Strength

  1. Pull-Ups: 50 reps

  2. Push-Ups: 75 reps

  3. Dips: 50 reps

Core Strength and Stability

  1. Hanging Leg Raises: 30 reps

  2. Plank Variations: 3 sets of 1 minute each

  3. Russian Twists: 3 sets of 20 reps

Lower Body Strength

  1. Pistol Squats: 3 sets of 6-8 reps per leg

  2. Deep Squat Hold: 3 sets of 1 minute

  3. Tumbling Squats: 40 reps

Cool Down

  1. Static Stretching: Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.

    • Hamstring stretch, quad stretch, shoulder stretch, and tricep stretch.

  2. Breathing Exercises: Deep breathing to relax the body.

Nightwing Physique



Green Arrow Calisthenics Workout