Baki Hanma Martial Arts Workout Routine


In this segment of the Anime Training series, we will open our first official martial arts workout plan with Baki Hanma!

We've already covered two different Baki workouts: the Baki strength training plan and the Baki mountain workout that involves his training on Yasha Creek!

Since we have already broken down everything we need to know about Baki, we won't need to do that here - so we will get straight into the training!

If you missed it, though, you can check it out here.

Want to learn more about Martial Arts Training?

You can check out the complete guide on proper strength training for Martial Arts Performance.

And for those who want to check out our awesome free workouts, you can check them out here:

Don't worry—we have plenty of additional resources below that you can also apply to your training.

Note: This workout is strictly martial arts, with some aerobics and calisthenics. It is split into four different phases: the warm-up, bodyweight circuit, drills, and cool-down. This will be one repeatable workout that you can use with any workout on our index that you see as the best fit.

This will be a complete martial arts routine inspired by Baki Hanma.

I hope you all enjoy it! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the workout.

With that being said… let's get into it!


Workout frequency: 1 day

Training Description: Full workout to achieve the martial arts prowess of Baki Hanma

Phase 1: Warm-Up (10 minutes)

  1. Jump Rope - 3 minutes

    • This will get your heart rate up and prepare your muscles for the workout.

  2. Dynamic Stretching - 4 minutes

    • Leg swings, arm circles, hip rotations, and torso twists.

  3. Shadow Boxing - 3 minutes

    • Focus on fluid movement, throw jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts. Imagine you’re fighting against an opponent, just like Baki!

Phase 2: Calisthenics Circuit (20 minutes)

Complete 3 rounds of the following exercises, with 1-minute rest between rounds.

  1. Push-Ups - 20 reps

    • Standard or wide grip, depending on your strength.

  2. Pull-Ups - 15 reps

    • Aim for a full range of motion. Use assistance if needed.

  3. Bodyweight Squats - 30 reps

    • Keep your chest up and go as deep as you can.

  4. Dips - 15 reps

    • Use parallel bars or a sturdy surface. Focus on squeezing your triceps.

  5. Mountain Climbers - 1 minute

    • Keep a fast pace to elevate your heart rate.

  6. Plank - 1 minute

    • Maintain a straight line from head to heels. Engage your core.

Phase 3: Martial Arts Training (30 minutes)

  1. Technique Drills - 10 minutes

    • Practice basic strikes, blocks, and footwork. Focus on perfect form. For example:

      • Jab, cross, hook combinations

      • Low kicks and high kicks

      • Defensive maneuvers and counters

  2. Bag Work - 10 minutes

    • Use a heavy bag or focus pads. Work on combinations, power, and precision.

      • 3-minute rounds with 1-minute rest in between.

      • Include high-intensity strikes like elbows, knees, and kicks.

  3. Grappling and Takedowns - 10 minutes

    • Practice wrestling takedowns, submissions, and ground control. Use a partner or grappling dummy.

      • Double leg takedowns, hip throws, arm bars, and choke holds.

Phase 4: Cooldown (10 minutes)

  1. Static Stretching - 5 minutes

    • Focus on all major muscle groups. Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds.

      • Hamstring stretch, quadriceps stretch, shoulder stretch, and calf stretch.

  2. Deep Breathing and Meditation - 5 minutes

    • Sit comfortably, take deep breaths, and visualize your progress. Let your body relax and your mind calm down.
