White Tiger Workout Routine: Train like Ava Alaya in Real Life

As most know, White Tiger will debut in the new Daredevil Series, better known as "Daredevil: Born Again."

While we will most likely be seeing Hector Alaya's White Tiger before Ava's, I decided to just do both of them, starting with the female counterpart of the character - not only because it's on schedule, but we go way back in the Ultimate Spider-Man days! (If you know, you know)...

In today's episode of the Superhero Training series, we will cover the workout plan of the Marvel Comics mystical Superheroine White Tiger! Let's get into it!

Here are some other female-led characters we've covered: Jessica Jones, and Wonder Woman.

White Tiger Physique Ranking

Over at Action Hero Athletics, we devised a system for physique analysis. We call it the attainability scale.

This system helps us discover the realistic aspects of a character's physique and if it is genuinely realistic/attainable.

  • Tier 1: Realistically achievable (Natty)

  • Tier 2: Giga Genetics (Natty, but maybe not as easily attainable)

  • Tier 3: Not natty (requires PED's for maintenance)

White Tiger's physique is placed in the Tier 1 category.

Ava Alaya’s physique is achievable and sustainable for the average person!

White Tiger's physique showcases an appropriate amount of symmetry, which basically means having the right amount of muscle without any excessive insertions and maintaining a low body fat percentage without looking too shredded.

Beyond aesthetics and her mystical powers, White Tiger's physique and athleticism allow her to display functional strength. This characteristic indicates that her muscles are useful in outside-of-gym movements!

The most important thing is that her physique lies within the boundaries of human limitations. So, as long as nutrition and training are dialed in, anyone can achieve a physique inspired by the White Tiger.

We have covered other Tier 1 physiques: Chun-Li, Mikasa Ackerman, Maki Zenin, and Jessica Jones.


White Tiger Training Principles

This is the part where we will discuss the character's core abilities and how we can implement them in real life.

Here is what we know about the White Tiger's physical abilities:

As a result of the White Tiger amulet, Ava Alaya gained a ton of super epic feats, including the usual street-level badass qualifiers: strength, speed, durability, and agility.

But really, how strong is she?

Her superhuman strength and speed surpass highly trained athletes in these specific fields, and her durability outmatches most of our street-level heroes seen in the Superhero Training Index.

This also comes with superb agility, balance, acrobatic ability, and martial arts mastery!

From a gym bro's perspective, here is what we need to create a workout inspired by White Tiger.

White Tiger's Strength and Conditioning: A proper strength training approach will have to be a balance of training movements for functionality, as well as training specific muscle groups for aesthetics. This will be through sports-specific strength training - as discussed in our Strength Training for Martial Arts article.

White Tiger's Acrobatic Ability: In our strength and conditioning programming, we will include many body-balance calisthenics exercises to complement each specific muscle group we train! This will consist of exercises like the hanging leg raise, handstand holds, and strength mobility exercises like ring pushups.

White Tiger's Endurance: White Tiger's super durability will be achieved by training the appropriate energy systems in every workout routine. So, on our strength days, we will end the workout with a MetCon burnout for every respective muscle group, and on days in between, we will work on endurance through martial arts and weaponry (which is optional).

Now, for the moment you have all been waiting for…

White Tiger Training Program


White Tiger Pull Workout

  • Ring Pull-Ups: 3 sets x 10-12 reps

  • Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts: 3 sets x 12 reps per leg

  • Kettlebell Swings: 3 sets x 15 reps

  • Hanging Leg Raises: 3 sets x 12-15 reps

  • Ring Rows: 3 sets x 12-15 reps

  • Skin the Cat: 3 sets x 8-10 flips

  • Pull Day MetCon Burnout:Rope Pulls - 5 rounds

White Tiger Push Workout

  • Plyo Pushup: 3 sets x 30 seconds

  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 sets x 12 reps

  • Ring Dips: 3 sets x 10-12 reps

  • Handstand Holds: 3 sets x 30-60 seconds

  • Pike Pushups: 3 sets x 12-15 reps

  • Weighted Planks: 3 sets x 60 seconds

  • Push Day MetCon Burnout: Mike Tyson pushups + Battle Ropes - 5 rounds of 30 seconds on/off

White Tiger Leg Workout

  • Back Squats: 3 sets x 8-10 reps

    Lunges (Weighted or Bodyweight): 3 sets x 12 reps per leg

    Pistol Squats: 3 sets x 10 reps per leg

    Calf Raises: 3 sets x 15-20 reps

    Box Jumps: 3 sets x 10 jumps

    Agility Ladder Drills (Strength Movement): 3 sets x 5 minutes

    Leg Day MetCon Burnout: 3 rounds of 30 seconds each: Jump Squats, Walking Lunges, Plank

White Tiger Martial Arts Workout

Phase 1: Bodyweight circuit (3-6 rounds, 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for each workout. In the end of the round, take a break for 1-2 minutes before beginning the next round.)

  • Plank Push Ups 

  • Burpees

  • Squats

  • Mountain Climbers

  • Jumping Jacks

  • High Knees

Phase 2: Heavy Bag Workout

Heavy Bag Rounds:

  • Power Strikes:

    • Jab-Cross-Hook combinations with power and speed.

    • 3 rounds x 3 minutes.

  • Kicking Intervals:

    • Alternate between various kicks with intensity.

    • 3 rounds x 2 minutes.

  • Ground and Pound:

    • Incorporate ground and pound techniques on the bag, simulating grappling scenarios.

    • 2 rounds x 3 minutes.

  • High-Intensity Combos:

    • Mix up your striking combinations with high intensity.

    • 3 rounds x 3 minutes.

  • Strength-Endurance Finisher:

    • Heavy bag slams or controlled takedowns on the bag.

    • 2 rounds x 2 minutes.

White Tiger Strength Workout: Additional Resources

White Tiger Martial Arts/Endurance Workout: Additional Resources 

Strength Endurance Workouts

MMA Workouts


Batman Beyond Training Plan: Workout like Terry McGinnis in Real Life


Daredevil Workout Routine: Train Like Matt Murdock in Real Life