Baki Hanma Jump Rope Workout Routine: Real Life Grappler Baki Training

Baki Hanma Workout Plan


On this episode of the Anime Workout series, we will be going over the full comprehensive 3-day workout routine inspired by Baki Hanma, jump rope edition!

This is our first ever jump rope workout we are bringing into Action Hero Athletics. You guys and gals love the sub-category workouts so I figured we just bring more of them to you!

You can check out all of our other Baki workouts after this one! 

And yes… We’ve done plenty of them.

Since we’ve already done the full breakdown, we can go straight into the workout on this post!

And if you haven’t already checked it out, you can tune in to it here.

Want to learn more about Jump Rope workouts?

Check out all the amazing benefits that come with skipping rope, and how it’s the ULTIMATE fat loss/muscle building tool!


And for those that want more awesome free workouts, you can check them out in our training lists:

Don't worry—we have plenty of additional resources below that you can also apply to your training.

Note: This workout will be strictly centered on skipping rope paired with other forms of training. It is mainly tailored for those who need an active recovery day or simply just want something different out of their training.

This workout will be a full jump rope workout inspired by Baki Hanma.

Let’s get into it!

baki physique


Workout frequency: 3 days

Training description: This jump rope workout inspired by Baki Hanma will help you build your endurance, strength, agility and athleticism all in one workout!

Day 1: Agility and Endurance


  • Jump Rope: 5 minutes at a moderate pace

  • Dynamic Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Main Workout:

  1. Jump Rope Intervals:

    • 30 seconds high knees, 30 seconds rest (10 rounds)

    • Focus on speed and maintaining a light, quick pace.

  2. Bodyweight Circuit:

    • Push-Ups: 3 sets of 20 reps

    • Air Squats: 3 sets of 25 reps

    • Plank: 3 sets of 1 minute

    • Perform these exercises with minimal rest between sets.

  3. Agility Drills:

    • Lateral Jump Rope: 3 sets of 1 minute (jump side-to-side)

    • Jump Rope Skier: 3 sets of 1 minute (jump with feet together, mimicking a skiing motion)

    • Rest 1 minute between each set.


  • Jump Rope: 5 minutes at an easy pace

  • Stretching: 5-10 minutes focusing on calves, hamstrings, and shoulders

Day 2: Strength and Power


  • Jump Rope: 5 minutes, alternating between regular jump and boxer step

  • Dynamic Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Main Workout:

  1. Jump Rope Power Intervals:

    • 1 minute double-unders, 1 minute rest (5 rounds)

    • Focus on explosive jumps and maintaining rhythm.

  2. Strength Circuit:

    • Kettlebell Swings: 4 sets of 15 reps

    • Dumbbell Thrusters: 4 sets of 10 reps

    • Jump Rope Crossovers: 4 sets of 1 minute

    • Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.

  3. Bodyweight Power Moves:

    • Plyometric Push-Ups: 3 sets of 10 reps

    • Jumping Lunges: 3 sets of 15 reps per leg

    • Burpees: 3 sets of 15 reps


  • Jump Rope: 3 minutes at a slow pace

  • Stretching: 5-10 minutes focusing on quads, chest, and shoulders

Day 3: Endurance and Mental Toughness


  • Jump Rope: 5 minutes, mixing in single-leg jumps and side swings

  • Dynamic Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Main Workout:

  1. Endurance Jump Rope:

    • 10 minutes continuous jump rope (mix up styles: regular jump, high knees, boxer step)

    • Maintain a steady pace, focusing on consistency and breathing.

  2. Full-Body Circuit:

    • Push-Ups to Failure

    • Goblet Squats (with kettlebell): 4 sets of 20 reps

    • Jump Rope High Knees: 4 sets of 1 minute

    • Plank to Push-Up: 3 sets of 1 minute

  3. Mental Toughness Drill:

    • Max Effort Jump Rope: 2 minutes as fast as possible

    • Kettlebell Carry: 3 sets of 50 meters per side (choose a challenging weight)

    • Wall Sit: 3 sets of 1 minute


  • Jump Rope: 3-5 minutes, gradually decreasing pace

  • Stretching: 5-10 minutes focusing on lower back, hamstrings, and calves

baki real life training



Goku Jump Rope Workout Plan: Real life DragonBall Z Training