Legend of Korra Workout Plan: Real Life Avatar Korra Workout

Legend of Korra Workout Plan


In a world where bending the elements has become normal, and the four nations are co-existent, there still lies corruption and, like every other Avatar storyline, it’s up to Avatar Korra to save the world.

Korra, the successor of Avatar Aang is not only a master of all four elements, but is also an excellent martial artist, skilled in various forms that complement her bending abilities!

From facing off against powerful villains like Amon and Kuvira and even being a professional competitive athlete, Korra’s training and performance molded her into one of the most powerful Avatars in history!

You guys and gals really have been enjoying the Avatar workouts! And if you haven’t tuned in yet, be sure to check them out after this one!

In this segment of the Character Training Series, we will cover Korra's performance and training from the iconic Avatar series!

This workout plan is inspired by the powers and performance of Korra, blending every form of bending into one full week of training! You will engage in a mix of strength training, agility, and bodyweight control which all reflect the elements. We are going to push your limits like never before!

And if you actually do achieve bending abilities, make sure to credit us.

With that said, let's begin this breakdown, starting with the physical stats ranking!

Avatar Korra Physical Stats

Name: Korra

Height: 5’7

Weight: 133lbs

Abilities: Master of all four elements

Alright, let’s talk about it!

Korra’s Abilities

  1. Waterbending

    • Role: As a native of the Southern Water Tribe, waterbending is Korra’s first and most natural ability. It involves manipulating water in all its forms—liquid, ice, and even steam. Waterbending is characterized by fluid, graceful movements that mirror the flow of water.

    • Physical Demands: Waterbending requires a strong core, flexibility, and fluidity. Korra’s muscular yet agile build allows her to transition seamlessly between offensive and defensive techniques, such as creating ice walls or redirecting powerful streams of water.

  2. Earthbending

    • Role: Earthbending is all about strength, stability, and endurance. It allows Korra to manipulate the earth, creating barriers, launching boulders, and even causing seismic shifts in the ground. This ability is central to her role as a defender and protector.

    • Physical Demands: Earthbending requires immense lower body strength and a solid foundation. Korra’s powerful legs and strong stance give her the ability to move massive amounts of earth with precision and force. Her physique allows her to remain unshakable, even when faced with overwhelming odds.

  3. Firebending

    • Role: Firebending is Korra’s most aggressive and intense ability, focusing on offense. It involves creating and controlling fire, using it to attack enemies, and even propelling herself forward. This element embodies her passionate and determined personality.

    • Physical Demands: Firebending requires quick reflexes, explosive power, and a high level of cardiovascular endurance. Korra’s well-defined muscles, particularly in her upper body, provide the strength needed for powerful firebending strikes, while her stamina allows her to sustain high-energy attacks for extended periods.

  4. Airbending

    • Role: Airbending, the last element Korra masters, is centered around agility, speed, and evasion. It involves manipulating air currents, allowing Korra to dodge attacks, create powerful gusts, and even achieve short bursts of flight.

    • Physical Demands: Airbending demands lightness, quickness, and the ability to move effortlessly through space. Korra’s athletic build, combined with her agility, allows her to perform complex airbending maneuvers, making her a difficult target to hit in battle.

  5. Energybending

    • Role: Energybending is a rare and ancient ability that allows Korra to bend the energy within a person’s body, restoring bending abilities or taking them away. This ability is crucial in her role as the Avatar, maintaining balance and peace in the world.

    • Physical Demands: While energybending is more spiritual than physical, it still requires immense mental and physical discipline. Korra’s training has built the focus and endurance necessary to channel this powerful and delicate technique.

  6. Hand-to-Hand Combat

    • Role: Beyond bending, Korra is a skilled martial artist. Her hand-to-hand combat skills are a blend of various fighting styles, making her a formidable opponent even without bending.

    • Physical Demands: Martial arts require strength, speed, agility, and technique. Korra’s physique is perfectly suited for combat, giving her the ability to execute powerful strikes, maintain balance, and outmaneuver her opponents.

Avatar Korra’s Physique

In the Legend of Korra universe, Korra’s physique is not just a byproduct of her training—it’s a critical asset that helps her live up to her title as the Avatar. The physical demands of mastering all four elements can be both tedious and intense, and Korra’s body has been honed through years of training to meet these demands and master the elements. Her muscular build allows her to exert the force needed for earthbending and firebending, while her agility and flexibility are key for waterbending and airbending.

Korra’s role as the Avatar requires her to be capable of adapting to any situation. Her physical abilities allow her to face off against some of the most dangerous antagonists in her world. In a universe where bending abilities can turn the tide of battle, Korra’s physique gives her the edge she needs to protect herself, her friends, and the world at large.

Moreover, her strength and resilience are a reflection of her role as the Avatar. The physical and mental strength that Korra possesses reflects the burden she carries—the responsibility of maintaining balance in a world that is constantly under threat. Her training and her body are both a testament to her commitment to this cause, showing that being the Avatar is about more than just wielding power.

Korra Physique


Avatar Korra Physique Ranking

Over at Action Hero Athletics, we devised a system for physique analysis. We call it the attainability scale.

This system helps us discover the realistic aspects of a character's physique and if it is genuinely realistic/attainable.

Tier 1: Realistically achievable (Natty)

Tier 2: Giga Genetics (Natty, but maybe not as easily attainable)

Tier 3: Not natty (requires PED's for maintenance)

Korra's physique is ranked at Tier 1 - Realistically Achievable (Natty).

Avatar Korra Feats

This will be the core of the Avatar Korra workout plan!

Here is what we know according to her wiki:

Power Feats

  • Can simultaneously use all four elements in the avatar state.

  • Water bending is her strong suit. Korra can create walls of ice, powerful water whips and even fight multiple enemies at once.

  • Quickly adjusted to metal bending, displaying her talent to adapt easily and quickly.

  • Is able to manipulate fire during hand to hand combat, and as an agility boost.

Performance Feats

  • She can leap across long gaps, displaying her powerful force without the use of bending.

  • Avatar Korra has impressive acrobatic skills.

  • Can shatter large blocks of ice with her fist.

  • Avatar Korra can effectively traverse various terrains and vertical surfaces with great speed to hoist herself easily up and off rooftops.

Avatar Korra Workout Principles

Avatar Korra’s training is made specifically for mastering all four elements - being water, fire, earth and air.

Translating these principles into a real-life workout program involves focusing on exercises and routines that build a balanced, powerful, and agile physique, much like Korra’s.

Strength Training: Strength is the foundation in Korra’s training, tackling both fire and earth bending. The power to lift boulders, create seismic shifts, and unleash explosive fire attacks comes from her robust muscular strength, particularly in her legs, core, and upper body.

How to apply

  • Compound exercises: For the strength training portion of this workout, we are going to keep it as simple as possible with the compound workouts, going over the basic movement patterns - being the push, pull, squat, hinge and carry.

  • Lower body power: For something even more specific towards her athletic performance, we are going to include some lower power exercises like the jump squat, split squat, which all mimic the stability and power output needed for her overall athletic performance.

Agility Training: Agility is vital for Korra’s water and air bending abilities, where fluid movements and quick reflexes are key.

How to apply

  • Plyometric exercises: Incorporating plyometric exercises to the workout program like the jump squat, battle rope wave and lateral hops are excellent for enabling quick, faster movements.

  • Animal flow and strength mobility: These two specifically will enhance the control that you have over your mind and body, like what is required of water benders!

  • Endurance and stamina: Durability always plays the role of the anchor in agility and plyometrics. Being able to have the cardio and endurance to handle this training for long periods of time will be crucial when it comes to working out like Korra.

avatar korra workout routine


How to Workout Like Avatar Korra in Real Life

From a gym bro's perspective, here is what we need for this workout plan:

  • Avatar Korra's Strength Endurance

  • Avatar Korra's Explosiveness

  • Avatar Korra's Muscular Development

Avatar Korra Full Workout Breakdown

Workout frequency: 5 days

Training description: This workout plan combines athletic bodybuilding and athletic performance. It will help you build a lean, strong body like Korra and increase muscular endurance.

Days 1 & 5

These workouts will be strictly based on strength and conditioning, with day 1 focusing on general strength and conditioning and day 5 focusing more on combat conditioning!

Day 5 will emphasize martial arts a little more, but is totally optional. Check out the Korra martial arts workout for that portion.

Days 2 & 3

These workout days will focus on both endurance and agility, putting focus towards fire bending and air bending!

On day 2, we are going to put more focus on quickness and explosiveness. On day 3, putting more focus on stamina through HIIT circuits, and more!

Day 4

This training day will be our yoga flow and body control, putting more emphasis on water bending.

Avatar Korra Nutritional Practices

Here are some basic nutritional concepts that you should adhere to if you want to develop and/or maintain a strong, robust body like Avatar Korra!

Macronutrient Breakdown:

  1. Protein (30-35% of total calories):
    Protein is crucial for muscle repair and growth, especially given Korra’s intense physical demands. Aim for 1.2 to 1.6 grams of protein per pound of body weight, sourced from lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes, and plant-based options like tofu or tempeh.

  2. Carbohydrates (45-50% of total calories):
    Carbohydrates are the primary energy source for Korra's high-intensity training, providing the fuel needed for both aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Focus on complex carbs like whole grains, sweet potatoes, quinoa, and fruits, which provide sustained energy and help maintain endurance.

  3. Fats (20-25% of total calories):
    Healthy fats are essential for hormone production, brain health, and overall energy levels. Incorporate sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish to support a balanced diet and optimize performance.

Additional Considerations:

  • Hydration: Staying hydrated is critical, particularly for someone like Korra who trains extensively. Aim for at least 3 liters of water per day, with more on particularly intense training days.

  • Micronutrients: Ensure adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, particularly iron, calcium, and magnesium, to support muscle function and recovery.

  • Meal Timing: Consuming protein-rich meals post-workout and carbohydrate-dense meals before intense training can optimize recovery and energy levels, mirroring the demands of Korra's rigorous training regimen.

Avatar Korra Workout Routine


Day 1: Strength and Power (Earthbending Focus)


  • Dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles) – 5 minutes

  • Jump rope – 3 minutes


  1. Back Squats – 4 sets of 8 reps

  2. Deadlifts – 4 sets of 6 reps

  3. Bulgarian Split Squats – 3 sets of 10 reps per leg

  4. Overhead Press – 4 sets of 8 reps

  5. Kettlebell Swings – 3 sets of 12 reps

  6. Farmer’s Walk – 3 sets of 1-minute walks with heavy dumbbells

Cool Down:

  • Static stretching (focus on legs and shoulders) – 10 minutes

Day 2: Agility and Speed (Airbending Focus)


  • Light jogging or cycling – 5 minutes

  • Dynamic stretches (high knees, butt kicks) – 5 minutes


  1. Box Jumps – 4 sets of 10 reps

  2. Agility Ladder Drills – 5 sets (each set includes 3-4 different drills)

  3. Lateral Bounds – 3 sets of 12 reps per side

  4. Sprints – 6 x 50 meters at full speed, with 1-minute rest between sprints

  5. Shadowboxing – 3 rounds of 3 minutes each

Cool Down:

  • Yoga flow focusing on flexibility and breathing – 10 minutes

Day 3: Endurance and Stamina (Firebending Focus)


  • Jump rope – 3 minutes

  • Dynamic stretches (lunges, torso twists) – 5 minutes


  1. HIIT Circuit – 5 rounds with 1-minute rest between rounds

    • Burpees – 30 seconds

    • Push-Ups – 30 seconds

    • Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds

    • Jump Squats – 30 seconds

  2. Long-Distance Run – 4-6 miles at a moderate pace

  3. Battle Ropes – 4 sets of 30-second intervals

Cool Down:

  • Light jogging – 5 minutes

  • Static stretching (focus on legs and back) – 10 minutes

Day 4: Flexibility and Mobility (Waterbending Focus)


  • Light jogging or brisk walking – 5 minutes

  • Dynamic stretches (hip circles, arm swings) – 5 minutes


  1. Yoga Session – 45-60 minutes, focusing on fluid movements and deep stretches

  2. Animal Flow – 3 rounds of the following sequence:

    • Beast Crawl – 1 minute

    • Crab Reach – 1 minute

    • Scorpion Reach – 1 minute

  3. Core Circuit – 3 rounds with minimal rest between exercises:

    • Plank – 1 minute

    • Side Plank – 30 seconds per side

    • Leg Raises – 15 reps

    • Russian Twists – 20 reps per side

Cool Down:

  • Deep stretching and relaxation – 10 minutes

Day 5: Korra Combat Conditioning (Avatar Mode)


  • Jump rope – 3 minutes

  • Dynamic stretches (arm swings, hip openers) – 5 minutes


  1. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) DrillsKorra Martial Arts Workout

  2. Weighted Circuit – 4 rounds with 1-minute rest between rounds:

    • Kettlebell Snatch – 10 reps per side

    • Medicine Ball Slams – 15 reps

    • Pull-Ups – 8-10 reps

    • Thrusters – 12 reps

Cool Down:

  • Meditation and breathing exercises – 10 minutes

  • Static stretching (full body) – 10 minutes

Korra Workout



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