Deadpool Calisthenics Workout Routine

Deadpool workout


In this segment of the Superhero Workout series, we are covering the Deadpool bodyweight workout routine!

Yesterday, myself and a few other people watched and thoroughly enjoyed the Deadpool and Wolverine film! 

So, if you can’t tell already, I’m mega inspired to bring this workout to the calisthenics workouts

FYI: If you haven’t watched it already, do it! It’s a fun watch.

Since we’ve already covered the entire Deadpool workout plan and breakdown, we will go straight into the workout in this article.

And if you missed it, you can check it out here.

Want to learn more about Calisthenics?

Check out the best methods to make your bodyweight workouts AWESOME without overtraining, compromising simplicity, or plateauing.

And for those that want more awesome free workouts, you can check them out in our training lists:

Don't worry—we have plenty of additional resources to apply to your training.

Note: This workout is strictly based on Calisthenics. It is tailored for those who may not want to commit to a gym membership or prefer bodyweight workouts.

This workout will be a full calisthenics workout inspired by Deadpool.

Let's get into it!

Deadpool training plan


Workout frequency: 1 day (repeatable)

Training description: Workout inspired by Deadpool for athletic ability, agility and bodyweight control.

Warm-Up (10 minutes):

  1. Dynamic Stretching (3 minutes)

    • Arm circles, leg swings, hip circles.

  2. Jump Rope Drills (7 minutes)

    • Single-leg jumps: 1 minute each leg.

    • High knees: 1 minute.

    • Double unders: 1 minute.

    • Side-to-side jumps: 1 minute.

    • Alternating foot jumps: 1 minute.

    • Basic jump rope: 2 minutes.

Main Workout (40 minutes):

Circuit 1: Combat Conditioning (10 minutes)

  1. Push-Ups (20 reps): Standard push-ups, focus on explosive movement.

  2. Burpees (15 reps): Full body movement with a jump and push-up.

  3. Jump Rope Drills (2 minutes): Quick feet, maintain a fast pace.

Repeat Circuit 1 x 3

Circuit 2: Agility & Strength (10 minutes)

  1. Pistol Squats (10 reps each leg): Use a chair for support if needed.

  2. Mountain Climbers (30 seconds): Fast-paced, focus on core engagement.

  3. Jump Rope - Double Unders (2 minutes): Try to maintain a consistent rhythm.

Repeat Circuit 2 x 3

Circuit 3: Core & Martial Arts (10 minutes)

  1. Russian Twists (20 reps each side): Use a light weight or medicine ball.

  2. Leg Raises (15 reps): Keep legs straight, lower them slowly.

  3. Jump Rope – Criss-Cross (2 minutes): Cross your arms in front while jumping.

Repeat Circuit 3 x 3

Circuit 4: Plyometrics & Power (10 minutes)

  1. Box Jumps (15 reps): Use a sturdy platform or step.

  2. Dive Bomber Push-Ups (10 reps): Start in a downward dog position, dive forward into a push-up.

  3. Jump Rope – High Knees (2 minutes): Aim for maximum speed and height.

Repeat Circuit 4 x 3

Cool Down (10 minutes):

  1. Static Stretching (5 minutes)

    • Focus on hamstrings, quads, shoulders, and back.

  2. Deep Breathing & Meditation (5 minutes)

    • Sit comfortably, focus on deep breathing, and relax your muscles.

Deadpool Physique



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