Deathstroke Workout Routine: Train like Slade Wilson in Real Life

Deathstroke Workout

We are going to be kicking off this new series with a workout inspired by one of the most notorious, badass villains in all of DC - Deathstroke!

Tune in to the end for the full workout routine inspired by him.

Deathstroke Diet & Nutrition

High Protein Intake: Wilson would need a great amount of protein to support muscle growth and repair. Include lean protein sources such as chicken, turkey, lean beef, fish, eggs, and plant-based proteins like tofu and legumes.

Complex Carbohydrates: This nutrient is important for being able to maintain energy levels during intense physical activities. For someone who is constantly on the move, Deathstroke would definitely need to utilize his carbohydrate intake. 

Healthy Fats: Including healthy fats is an integral part of any diet in order to maintain health as well as playing the role as a great source of energy.

Hydration: Staying hydrated is crucial for anyone with an active lifestyle. Deathstroke should consume lots of water, as well as electrolytes to replenish lost minerals during intense physical activities.

Calorie Intake: This actually depends more on your goals than anything. It’s all about calories in, and calories out as well as sustainability. If you are looking to lose body fat, consider a caloric deficit with a higher protein intake for satiety. In order to build muscle, go with a caloric surplus. The best way to start is 250 calories over/below maintenance, and aim for steady progression.

**Nutritional Guidelines are about the same for every character with this body type and performance level**

Deathstroke Physique

Deathstroke Physical Stats

Deathstroke stands tall at around 6 feet 4 inches and sits at a solid 225-240lbs. Physical abilities include being an overall enhanced performer with increases in speed, agility, strength and fighting prowess.

Deathstroke Physique Ranking

Over at Superhero Flex, we came up with a system for physique analysis. We call it the attainability scale. 

This system helps us discover the realistic aspects when it comes to a character's physique, and if it is truly realistic/attainable.

Tier 1: Realistically achievable (Natty)

Tier 2: Giga Genetics (Natty, but maybe not as easily attainable)

Tier 3: Not natty (requires PED’s for maintenance)

Deathstroke is placed in the Tier 2 Physique category. 

Here are some Tier 2 physiques we’ve covered at Action Hero Athletics: Moon Knight, Blade,Omni-Man, Baki Hanma, Ohma Tokita, Kratos, Deathstroke , Jin, Superman, Hwoarang

The three main factors that put Deathstroke’s physique in this ranking is muscle mass, symmetry as well as athletic ability. In certain adaptations, Wilson looks like a legit monster with the physique he has drawn out. Combine that with his insane physical prowess, that is usually an “outlier case” that would be grounded by more genetic potential. 

If the average joe were to tell me that they wanted to achieve a physique like Deathstroke, here is exactly what I would say…

“It’s still possible, but it’s just going to take a bit more effort along the way.”

But either way, we are literally Superheroes. So I’m not too worried.

Deathstroke Abilities

Here is what we know according to the Deathstroke Wiki:

  • into the early levels of superhuman condition.[69] He is strong enough to easily snap a sword in half,[68] overpower normal humans, throw others several feet with one arm,[69] as well as lift and throw a large piece of concrete.[72]

    • Super-Leaping: Due to his superhuman strength, Deathstroke is able to leap incredible distances from a standing position, far greater than any normal human could.[73]

  • Superhuman Durability: Deathstroke is capable of resisting tremendous kinetic impact forces that could easily crush or kill a human, without suffering any serious external or internal injuries. He has withstood hits from vastly strong opponents, including Wonder Woman,[74] Superman, Lapetus[75] and multiple imperfect clones of Superman.[76]

  • Superhuman Speed: Deathstroke is able to move at speeds beyond the peak of human potential, moving into the early levels of superhuman condition.[41] He is fast enough to easily outrun a moving vehicle,[65] and has shown on multiple occasions that he is able to take on speedsters in combat. He was fast enough to briefly keep up with The Flash in a fight.[77] When Hector Hammond looked into Slade's mind, he saw that he would be quick enough to kill Reverse Flash, if given the opportunity.[78] Even Wally West considers Deathstroke to be fast.[35]

  • Superhuman Agility: Deathstroke's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to superhuman levels, allowing him to easily evade rapid gunfire.[24]

  • Superhuman Reflexes: Deathstroke's reflexes far superior to a normal human. He is able to easily react to and dodge point-blank gunfire, as well as catch arrows[24] and daggers and thrown at him from behind, without looking.[68]

  • Superhuman Stamina: Deathstroke can exert himself for long periods of time, without tiring easily and while wearing heavy body armor. He has exerted himself for days on multiple occasions.[79] During the "War of Jokes and Riddles", Deathstroke exerted himself for 5 days and 5 nights.[13]

In a gymbro’s perspective, here is what we need to craft a Deathstroke workout routine:

  • Strength and Conditioning: To set the foundation for overall performance! 

  • Athletic Ability: To achieve the superhuman agility, and stamina like Deathstroke 

  • Calisthenics: This workout will require a hybrid approach, mixing both weight lifting and bodyweight exercises in the routine.

For the moment you have all been waiting for.

Deathstroke Workout

The Deathstroke Workout Plan

Training schedule: 5 days

Day 1: Strength Training - Upper Body

  • Bench Press: 4 sets x 6-8 reps

  • Bent-over Rows: 4 sets x 8-10 reps

  • Overhead Press: 3 sets x 10-12 reps

  • Pull-ups: 3 sets to failure

  • Tricep Dips: 3 sets x 12-15 reps

  • Plank: 3 sets x 60 seconds

Day 2: Calisthenics and Agility

  • Pistol Squats: 4 sets x 8-10 reps (each leg)

  • Handstand Push-ups: 3 sets x 8-10 reps

  • L-sit Pull-ups: 3 sets x 8-10 reps

  • Tuck Planche Holds: 3 sets x 20-30 seconds

  • Jump Rope: 10 minutes

  • Agility Drills (e.g., ladder drills, cone drills): 15 minutes

Day 3: Cardio and Endurance

  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) - Sprinting or cycling: 20 minutes

  • Battle Ropes: 3 sets x 1 minute

  • Burpees: 4 sets x 15 reps

  • Jumping Lunges: 3 sets x 20 reps (10 per leg)

  • Mountain Climbers: 3 sets x 1 minute

  • Plank Variations: 3 sets x 60 seconds each (front plank, side planks)

Day 4: Strength Training - Lower Body

  • Deadlifts: 4 sets x 6-8 reps

  • Front Squats: 4 sets x 8-10 reps

  • Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 sets x 12-15 reps (each leg)

  • Hamstring Curls: 3 sets x 12-15 reps

  • Calf Raises: 3 sets x 15-20 reps

  • Russian Twists: 3 sets x 20 reps (with or without weight)

Day 5: Full Body Strength and Power

  • Clean and Jerk: 4 sets x 5 reps

  • Weighted Pull-ups: 4 sets x 6-8 reps

  • Medicine Ball Slams: 3 sets x 12 reps

  • Push Press: 3 sets x 10 reps

  • Box Jumps: 4 sets x 10 reps

  • Plank to Push-up: 3 sets x 15 reps

Remember to warm up before each workout and cool down afterward. Adjust the weights and repetitions based on your fitness level and gradually progress as you become stronger and more conditioned. Stay consistent, stay hydrated, and listen to your body to prevent overtraining. 

Check out some more free workout plans from our Superhero Training Series: 

Superman | Daredevil | Jessica Jones | Spider-Man | Batman | Blade | Moon Knight | Red Hood | Omni-Man | Professor X 


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