Naruto Uzumaki Training Plan: The Real-Life Ninja Workout

Naruto Uzumaki Workout


In this segment of the Anime Training Series, we will be covering a fan favorite in the community, Naruto Uzumaki, from Naruto and Naruto Shippuden!

We have officially covered everyone in the Big 3, including Luffy, Ichigo, and the shonen godfather, Son Goku.

While we probably can't achieve anything remotely close to power scaling, we can indeed build a physique similar to that of a ninja, especially the ones we see in Naruto!

Let's begin the training breakdown, starting with the physique ranking!

Naruto Physique Ranking

Over at Action Hero Athletics, we devised a system for physique analysis. We call it the attainability scale.

This system helps us discover the realistic aspects of a character's physique and if it is genuinely realistic/attainable.

Tier 1: Realistically achievable (Natty)

Tier 2: Giga Genetics (Natty, but maybe not as easily attainable)

Tier 3: Not natty (requires PED's for maintenance)

Naruto's physique is ranked at Tier 1 - Realistically Achievable (Natty).

Naruto Workout Plan


Naruto Workout Principles

Let's review some of Naruto's performance-specific principles to get some direction on building a workout plan!

Balance: For a ninja's performance specifically, it is going to be incredibly important to incorporate some form of balance training. If you aim to perform like these characters, constant movement and swift performance will be an integral part of our training.

Ninja Circuit Training: Muscular Endurance will be the core of the strength training for the Naruto workout plan. Throughout the series, all we see is team 7 go on mission after mission. That said, we will apply the principle of specificity in this program and focus on muscle endurance via ninja circuit training.

Taijutsu: This is the only form of combat seen in Naruto that we can achieve in real life, which is just another word for hand-to-hand combat. With this, we will incorporate heavy bag drills, exercises focusing on footwork, and combat.

This is the basis of Naruto's performance. Now, let's go over the workout plan.

How Would Naruto Uzumaki Workout in Real Life?

From a gym bro's perspective, here is what we need for this workout plan:

  • Naruto's Muscle Endurance

  • Naruto's Martial Arts

  • Naruto's Ninja Skills

Here is what we will see in this training program:

Workout Schedule: 5 days

Training description: This will combine Full body workouts and martial arts. The strength exercises will consist mainly of calisthenics and kettlebells - with the Martial arts training consisting of sports-specific exercises and martial arts drills.

Now, let's get into the training!

Naruto Workout Plan


Day 1: Full Body Calisthenics and Kettlebells (Muscular Strength Focused)

  • Warm-up: 10 minutes of dynamic stretches (arm circles, leg swings, etc.)

  • Circuit Training:

    1. Pull-ups: 3 sets of 8-10 reps

    2. Kettlebell Goblet Squats: 3 sets of 10-12 reps

    3. Push-ups: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

    4. Kettlebell Deadlifts: 3 sets of 10-12 reps

    5. Plank: 3 sets, hold for 30-60 seconds

  • Cooldown: 5 minutes of static stretching (focus on the major muscle groups worked)

Day 2: Martial Arts and Explosive Power

  • Warm-up: 10 minutes of jump rope or shadow boxing

  • Martial Arts Training:

    1. Focus on techniques from disciplines like karate, taekwondo, or capoeira.

  • Explosive Power:

    1. Box Jumps: 3 sets of 8-10 reps

    2. Medicine Ball Throws: 3 sets of 8-10 reps

    3. Plyometric Push-ups: 3 sets of 8-10 reps

  • Cooldown: 5 minutes of light jogging and stretching

Day 3: Full Body Calisthenics and Kettlebells (Balance Focused)

  • Warm-up: 10 minutes of mobility exercises (dynamic lunges, hip circles, etc.)

  • Circuit Training:

    1. Single-leg Romanian Deadlifts with Kettlebell: 3 sets of 8-10 reps per leg

    2. Pistol Squats (assisted if needed): 3 sets of 6-8 reps per leg

    3. Kettlebell Turkish Get-ups: 3 sets of 6-8 reps per side

    4. Single-arm Kettlebell Rows: 3 sets of 10-12 reps per arm

    5. Side Planks: 3 sets, hold for 30-45 seconds per side

  • Cooldown: 5 minutes of yoga-inspired stretches for balance (tree pose, warrior pose, etc.)

Day 4: Martial Arts and SAQ's (Speed, Agility, Quickness)

  • Warm-up: 10 minutes of ladder drills or agility ladder exercises

  • Martial Arts Training:

    1. Focus on speed and agility drills inspired by martial arts.

  • SAQ Training:

    1. Shuttle Runs: 5 sets of 20 meters, focusing on quick changes of direction

    2. Cone Drills: Set up a course with cones and perform agility drills such as 5-10-5 drills or T-drills.

    3. Sprints: 5 sets of 50 meters, focusing on explosiveness

  • Cooldown: 5 minutes of foam rolling and static stretching for the lower body

Day 5: Full Body Calisthenics and Kettlebells (Strength Mobility Focused)

  • Warm-up: 10 minutes of joint mobility exercises (arm circles, leg swings, etc.)

  • Circuit Training:

    1. Bulgarian Split Squats with Kettlebells: 3 sets of 8-10 reps per leg

    2. Kettlebell Presses: 3 sets of 8-10 reps per arm

    3. Renegade Rows: 3 sets of 8-10 reps per arm

    4. Hanging Leg Raises: 3 sets of 10-12 reps

    5. Kettlebell Windmills: 3 sets of 8-10 reps per side

Cooldown: 5 minutes of deep breathing and stretching focusing on mobility (shoulder dislocates, hip flexor stretches, etc.)

Naruto Workout



Monkey D. Luffy Training Plan: One Piece Workout