Imai Cosmo Training Plan: Workout like The Master Grappler from Kengan Ashura

I'm telling y'all, there's something about these grapplers in anime that's really intriguing! And for most that know already, we've covered quite a few, from Baki The Grappler to Hwoarang, who incorporates BJJ into his training style!

On today's segment of the Anime Training Series, we will be covering a fan favorite in the underground world of Kengan Ashura, known as Imai Cosmo.

You guys enjoyed the Ohma Tokita Workout, so here we add another character to the lineup!

Imai Cosmo Physique Ranking

Over at Action Hero Athletics, we devised a system for physique analysis. We call it the attainability scale.

This system helps us discover the realistic aspects of a character's physique and if it is genuinely realistic/attainable.

  • Tier 1: Realistically achievable (Natty)

  • Tier 2: Giga Genetics (Natty, but maybe not as easily attainable)

  • Tier 3: Not natty (requires PED's for maintenance)

Imai Cosmo's physique is ranked in the Tier 1 category.

Here are some factors that put him in this category:

Lean Muscle Mass: Cosmo has a lean physique with well-defined muscles, indicating a low body fat percentage and significant muscle development. His physique suggests a combination of strength and agility, allowing him to execute lightning-fast strikes and agile maneuvers in combat.

Natural Aesthetics: Cosmo's physique is impressive but remains within natural human potential. He doesn't have the typical anime exaggerated muscle mass or vascularity often associated with performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). Instead, his physique reflects a balanced approach to training and nutrition, emphasizing functionality and performance over sheer size.

Achievable with Dedication: While Cosmo's physique may seem out of reach for some, particularly regarding his agility and athleticism, it's not unattainable with dedicated training and genetics favoring athleticism. Individuals with similar genetic predispositions and a quality training regimen focused on functional fitness and martial arts can aspire to develop a physique identical to Cosmo's.

Here are some Tier 1 physiques we’ve covered at Action Hero Athletics: Red Hood, Toji Fushiguro, Ippo Makunouchi, Kento Nanami, Ghost Riley, Nathan Drake, DBS Goku, Sonic the Hedgehog, TMNT, Nightwing and Leon Kennedy.

Imai cosmo real life workout


Imai Cosmo Training Principles

This is where we dig deeper into the character's performance and put it into action.

Imai Cosmo's exceptional combat abilities are not merely a product of genetics but are predominantly honed through rigorous training grounded in martial arts principles. His journey from a novice fighter to a formidable contender in the Kengan matches reflects a relentless pursuit of improvement and mastery. Let's delve deeper into the training principles that have shaped Cosmo's performance:

Martial Arts Mastery: Cosmo's skill set includes martial arts techniques, including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, judo, and karate. He has dedicated himself to mastering these disciplines, learning from mentors and sparring with seasoned fighters to ensure his techniques are on point. By integrating various martial arts styles, Cosmo has developed a versatile and adaptable fighting style that keeps opponents guessing.

Adaptability and Versatility: One of Cosmo's defining traits is his adaptability in combat situations. He can analyze his opponents' movements and adapt his strategy accordingly, using their weaknesses to capitalize on his strengths. This adaptability results from extensive training and experience, allowing Cosmo to remain calm and composed despite adversity.

Functional Training: Cosmo's training regimen must prioritize functional movements and real-life applications over isolated exercises or bodybuilding routines. He focuses on developing strength, agility, and endurance that directly translate to his performance in the ring. Functional training involves compound movements, bodyweight exercises, agility drills, and sparring sessions that simulate real combat scenarios, ensuring that Cosmo is well-prepared for any challenge.

Mental Conditioning: Beyond his performance, Cosmo recognizes the importance of mental fortitude in combat. He undergoes mental conditioning exercises to increase his focus, resilience, and determination, allowing him to maintain peak performance under pressure. Visualization techniques, meditation, and mindfulness practices are enormous components of Cosmo's training, enhancing his mental resilience and sharpening his competitive edge.

Continuous Improvement: Despite his impressive skill set, Cosmo remains humble and committed to constant improvement. He seeks out new challenges, learns from his mistakes, and constantly refines his techniques to stay ahead of the competition. This growth mindset helps Cosmo push his limits and evolve as a fighter with each passing day.

From a gym bro's perspective, here is what we're going to need to create an Imai Cosmo Workout Plan:

  • Cosmo's Martial Arts Mastery

  • Cosmo's Functionality (Strength, Mobility, Balance)

  • Cosmo's Overall Conditioning (Endurance, Functionality, Fight Performance)

Now, let's get to training!

Imai cosmo training program


Day 1: Imai Cosmo Agility and Martial Arts Conditioning:

  • Dynamic Warm-up:

    • Jogging in place

    • Arm circles

    • Leg swings

    • Jumping jacks

  • Agility Drills:

    • Agility ladder drills (lateral hops, high knees, side shuffles)

    • Cone drills (zig-zag sprints, T-drills)

    • Plyometric exercises (box jumps, jump squats)

  • Martial Arts Techniques:

    • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu drills (guard passes, submissions)

    • Muay Thai combinations (jab-cross-hook, roundhouse kicks)

    • Judo throws and takedowns (hip throws, foot sweeps)

  • Endurance Circuit:

    • Burpees

    • Mountain climbers

    • Shadow boxing

  • Cooldown and Stretching:

    • Static stretches for major muscle groups

    • Deep breathing and relaxation techniques

Day 2: Imai Cosmo Strength and Conditioning:

  • Warm-up:

    • Light jogging or cycling

    • Arm circles

    • Leg swings

  • Compound Strength Training:

    • Squats: 4 sets x 8 reps

    • Deadlifts: 4 sets x 6 reps

    • Larsen Press: 4 sets x 8 reps

    • Farmer Walk: 3 sets x Back and Forth

    • Dumbbell Rows: 3 sets x 10 reps

  • Core Workout:

    • Planks: 3 sets x 1 minute

    • Russian twists: 3 sets x 15 reps

    • Hanging leg raises: 3 sets x 12 reps

  • HIIT Cardio:

    • Interval sprints (30 seconds sprint, 60 seconds rest)

    • Jump rope

  • Cooldown and Stretching:

    • Foam rolling for muscle recovery

    • Static stretches for major muscle groups

Day 3: Imai Cosmo Martial Arts Technique Focus:

  • Dynamic Warm-up:

    • Jumping jacks

    • Arm circles

    • Leg swings

  • Martial Arts Technique Training:

    • Partner drills for grappling and submissions

    • Heavy bag work for striking combinations

    • Focus mitts with a partner for precision striking

  • Endurance Training:

    • Shadow boxing rounds (3 minutes on, 1 minute rest)

    • Speed drills (rapid punches, kicks, and footwork)

  • Cooldown and Stretching:

    • Deep breathing and relaxation techniques

    • Static stretches for flexibility and muscle recovery

Day 4: Imai Cosmo Full Body Functional Training:

  • Warm-up:

    • Jogging or jumping rope

    • Arm circles

    • Leg swings

  • Functional Circuit:

    • Kettlebell swings: 4 sets x 12 reps

    • Battle ropes: 4 sets x 30 seconds

    • Medicine ball slams: 4 sets x 15 reps

    • TRX rows: 3 sets x 12 reps

    • Bosu ball squats: 3 sets x 10 reps

  • Agility and Speed Drills:

    • Cone drills (suicides, figure 8s)

    • Agility ladder drills (in-out, crossover)

  • Core and Stability Training:

    • Stability ball crunches: 3 sets x 15 reps

    • Plank variations (side planks, plank with leg lifts): 3 sets x 30 seconds each

    • Balance exercises (single-leg squats, Bosu ball balance)

  • Cooldown and Stretching:

    • Foam rolling for muscle recovery

    • Static stretches for major muscle groups

imai cosmo workout plan



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