Red Hood Jump Rope Workout: Real Life Jason Todd Workout

Red hood physique


In this segment of the Superhero Training Series, we are going over the jump rope workout inspired by Jason Todd, better known as the Red Hood!

These jump rope workouts have been receiving a lot of good feedback and it’s great how much you can utilize them with all the workouts we have on the site!

Red Hood is a character that’s rageful, powerful, and who quite literally does not hold back.

We’ve actually covered lots of Red Hood content that you can check out here:

This jump rope workout will aim to help you become more athletic, powerful, while building some form of strength in the process.

Since we already covered his entire workout, we will go straight into the training in this episode!

And in case you missed it, you can check it out here.

Want to learn more about Jump Rope workouts?

Check out all the amazing benefits that come with skipping rope, and how it’s the ULTIMATE fat loss/muscle building tool!


And for those that want more awesome free workouts, you can check them out in our training lists:

Don't worry—we have plenty of additional resources below that you can also apply to your training.

Note: This workout will be strictly centered on skipping rope paired with other forms of training. It is mainly tailored for those who need an active recovery day or simply just want something different out of their training.

This workout will be a full jump rope workout inspired by Red Hood from DC Comics.

Let’s get into it!

Red Hood Physique


Workout frequency: 3 days 

Training description: This workout will get you shredded, athletic and stronger like the Red Hood!

Day 1: Conditioning and Power

Focus: Building conditioning and explosive power through jump rope variations.

  1. Warm-Up:

    • Jump Rope (Basic Bounce): 3 minutes

    • Dynamic Stretching: 5 minutes

  2. Workout:

    • Jump Rope Intervals (5 rounds):

      • Double Unders: 30 seconds (focus on explosive power)

      • Rest: 30 seconds

      • High Knees: 30 seconds (drive the knees up for more intensity)

      • Rest: 30 seconds

    • Strength Circuit (4 rounds):

      • Push-Ups: 15-20 reps

      • Jump Rope (Boxer Step): 1 minute

      • Bodyweight Squats: 20 reps

      • Jump Rope (Criss-Cross): 1 minute

      • Plank: 45 seconds

    • Plyometric Finisher (3 rounds):

      • Jump Rope (Side-to-Side): 1 minute

      • Broad Jumps: 10 reps

  3. Cool Down:

    • Static Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Day 2: Combat Agility and Tactical Movement

Focus: Enhancing agility, quick footwork, and combat readiness using jump rope drills.

  1. Warm-Up:

    • Jump Rope (Boxer Skip): 3 minutes

    • Joint Mobility Drills: 5 minutes

  2. Workout:

    • Agility Drills (4 rounds):

      • Jump Rope (Ali Shuffle): 1 minute (quick footwork)

      • Rest: 30 seconds

      • Jump Rope (Forward and Backward Hops): 1 minute

      • Rest: 30 seconds

    • Combat Conditioning Circuit (4 rounds):

      • Shadowboxing with Jump Rope: 3 minutes (rotate between jumping and shadowboxing)

      • Push-Ups: 15 reps

      • Jump Rope (Lateral Hops): 1 minute

      • Lunges: 12 reps per leg

    • Tactical Agility Finisher (3 rounds):

      • Jump Rope (Single-Leg Hops): 30 seconds per leg

      • Sprint Intervals: 5 rounds of 20-second sprints, 40-second rest

  3. Cool Down:

    • Yoga Flow: 10 minutes focusing on hip and ankle mobility

Day 3: Endurance and Recovery

Focus: Building endurance and incorporating recovery with jump rope exercises.

  1. Warm-Up:

    • Light Jog: 5 minutes

    • Dynamic Stretching: 5 minutes

  2. Workout:

    • Endurance Circuit (5 rounds):

      • Jump Rope (Basic Bounce): 2 minutes

      • Bodyweight Push-Ups: 15-20 reps

      • Jump Rope (High Knees): 1 minute

      • Plank: 45 seconds

    • Strength and Stability (4 rounds):

      • Jump Rope (Crossovers): 1 minute

      • Side Plank: 30 seconds per side

      • Jump Rope (Double Unders): 1 minute

      • Glute Bridge: 20 reps

    • Steady-State Jump Rope:

      • Jump Rope (Basic Bounce): 10 minutes at a moderate pace (maintain consistent breathing and form)

  3. Cool Down:

    • Static Stretching: 10 minutes

    • Deep Breathing Exercises: 5 minutes

Red Hood Training plan



Batman Jump Rope Workout Plan: Train Like The Caped Crusader