Red Hood Martial Arts Workout: Fight Like Jason Todd

Red Hood Workout


In this segment of the Superhero Training series, we are covering the martial arts workout inspired by Jason Todd, better known as the Red Hood!

The one entry level rule that comes with being a member of the Bat Family, or any street level hero at that - is that you have to learn how to fight!

Martial Arts requires lots of conditioning, strengthening the body and mastering the technique.

This workout routine will help you condition for combat like Red Hood!

And after this one, you can check out some of the other Red Hood content we dropped:

Since we have already covered the full workout, we are going straight to the workout on this post!

And if you missed it, you can tune in to it here.

Want to learn more about Martial Arts Training?

You can check out the complete guide on proper strength training for Martial Arts Performance.

And for those who want to check out our awesome free workouts, you can check them out here:

Don't worry—we have plenty of additional resources below that you can also apply to your training.

Note: This workout is strictly martial arts and performance training. It is split into different phases. This will be one repeatable workout that you can use with any workout on our index that you see as the best fit.

This will be a complete martial arts routine inspired by Red Hood.

I hope you all enjoy it! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the workout.

With that being said… let's get into it!

how to fight like red hood


Workout frequency: 3 days

Training description: This workout will combine all kinds of training modalities to help you become conditioned for combat like the Red Hood!

Day 1: Strength and Combat Conditioning

Focus: Building strength and conditioning for combat scenarios using kettlebells, calisthenics, and jump rope.

  1. Warm-Up:

    • Jump Rope (Basic Bounce): 3 minutes

    • Dynamic Stretching: 5 minutes

  2. Workout:

    • Kettlebell Circuit (4 rounds):

      • Kettlebell Clean and Press: 6 reps per side

      • Kettlebell Goblet Squats: 10 reps

      • Kettlebell Renegade Rows: 8 reps per side

    • Calisthenics Circuit (4 rounds):

      • Push-Ups: 15-20 reps

      • Pull-Ups: 10-12 reps

      • Dips: 12-15 reps

      • Pistol Squats: 6-8 reps per leg

    • Jump Rope Intervals (3 rounds):

      • Double Unders: 30 seconds

      • Rest: 30 seconds

      • High Knees: 30 seconds

      • Rest: 30 seconds

  3. Technique Practice:

    • Shadowboxing with Light Kettlebell: 3 rounds of 2 minutes (focus on integrating kettlebell with striking techniques)

    • Heavy Bag Work: 5 rounds of 2 minutes (focus on power punches, combinations, and footwork)

  4. Cool Down:

    • Static Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Day 2: Agility, Speed, and Technique

Focus: Enhancing agility, speed, and refining technique with a combination of jump rope, calisthenics, and martial arts drills.

  1. Warm-Up:

    • Jump Rope (Boxer Skip): 3 minutes

    • Dynamic Mobility Drills: 5 minutes

  2. Workout:

    • Jump Rope Agility Drills (4 rounds):

      • Ali Shuffle: 1 minute

      • Rest: 30 seconds

      • Side-to-Side Hops: 1 minute

      • Rest: 30 seconds

    • Calisthenics Speed Circuit (4 rounds):

      • Plyometric Push-Ups: 12 reps

      • Mountain Climbers: 30 seconds

      • Jump Squats: 15 reps

      • Plank to Push-Up: 10 reps

    • Kettlebell Agility Drills:

      • Kettlebell Figure 8s: 4 sets of 10 reps per side (focus on speed and precision)

      • Kettlebell Lateral Swings: 4 sets of 10 reps per side (builds rotational power and agility)

  3. Technique Practice:

    • Pad Work: 5 rounds of 2 minutes (focus on speed, accuracy, and combinations)

    • Footwork Drills: 4 rounds of 2 minutes (practice lateral movement, pivots, and quick directional changes)

  4. Cool Down:

    • Yoga Flow: 10 minutes focusing on hip and ankle mobility

Day 3: Endurance and Combat Conditioning

Focus: Building endurance and maintaining combat conditioning with integrated kettlebell, calisthenics, and jump rope routines.

  1. Warm-Up:

    • Light Jog or Row: 5 minutes

    • Joint Mobility Drills: 5 minutes

  2. Workout:

    • Endurance Circuit (5 rounds):

      • Jump Rope (Basic Bounce): 2 minutes

      • Push-Ups: 20 reps

      • Kettlebell Swings: 20 reps

      • Pull-Ups: 10 reps

      • Bodyweight Squats: 25 reps

    • Combat Conditioning Drills:

      • Kettlebell Snatch to Press: 4 sets of 8 reps per side (explosive power for striking)

      • Jump Rope (Double Unders): 1 minute (focus on maintaining rhythm under fatigue)

      • Burpees: 15 reps

  3. Technique Practice:

    • Shadowboxing: 3 rounds of 3 minutes (focus on endurance, maintaining form while fatigued)

    • Sparring (if available): 3-5 rounds of 3 minutes (focus on applying conditioning and technique under pressure)

  4. Cool Down:

    • Static Stretching: 10 minutes

    • Deep Breathing Exercises: 5 minutes

Jason Todd Physique



Deadpool Martial Arts Workout Routine