Red Hood Kettlebell Workout: Real Life Jason Todd Workout


In this segment of the Superhero Training series, we are covering the full comprehensive 3-day workout inspired by the Red Hood!

Since we were only a YouTube channel, you guys and gals have always enjoyed the Red Hood content. So here we are, with a new one!

You can check out all the Red Hood workouts we’ve covered after this one:

Since we already did the full breakdown, we can go straight into the training in this post.

And in case you missed it, you can check it out here

Want to learn more about Kettlebell Training?

Check out why it's one of the superior training methods before diving into this workout.

And for those that want more awesome free workouts, you can check them out in our training lists:

Don't worry—we have plenty of additional resources to apply to your training.

Note: This workout is strictly based on Kettlebells and some Calisthenics. It is tailored for those needing more space or budget for a gym.

This workout will be a full Kettlebell workout inspired by The Red Hood from DC Comics.

Let's get into it!


Workout frequency: 3 days

Training description: This kettlebell workout will help you condition, become athletic and get stronger like The Red Hood.

Day 1: Functional Strength and Power

Focus: Building raw strength and power using kettlebells.

  1. Warm-Up:

    • Jump Rope: 5 minutes

    • Dynamic Stretching: 5 minutes

  2. Workout:

    • Kettlebell Deadlift: 4 sets of 8 reps (heavy weight)

    • Kettlebell Clean and Press: 4 sets of 6 reps per side

    • Kettlebell Goblet Squat: 4 sets of 10 reps (add tempo or pause at the bottom for increased intensity)

    • Kettlebell Renegade Row: 4 sets of 8 reps per side (engages core and upper body)

    • Kettlebell Push-Up to Row: 4 sets of 8-10 reps

  3. Finisher:

    • Kettlebell Swings: 4 sets of 20 reps (explosive movement for power and conditioning)

    • Turkish Get-Up: 3 sets of 3 reps per side (focus on control and full-body strength)

  4. Cool Down:

    • Static Stretching: 5-10 minutes

Day 2: Combat Conditioning and Tactical Agility

Focus: Enhancing conditioning, agility, and combat readiness with dynamic kettlebell movements.

  1. Warm-Up:

    • Shadowboxing with light kettlebell in one hand: 3 rounds of 3 minutes

    • Dynamic Mobility Drills: 5 minutes

  2. Workout:

    • Kettlebell HIIT Circuit (4 rounds, 40 seconds work/20 seconds rest):

      • Kettlebell Snatch (alternate sides each round)

      • Kettlebell Thrusters (squat to overhead press)

      • Kettlebell Figure 8s (core and agility focus)

      • Kettlebell Russian Twists

      • Kettlebell Jump Squats (holding the kettlebell close to the chest)

    • Kettlebell Complex (3 rounds without putting the kettlebell down):

      • 5 Kettlebell Deadlifts

      • 5 Kettlebell Cleans

      • 5 Kettlebell Presses

      • 5 Kettlebell Front Squats

      • 5 Kettlebell Swings

    • Agility Work:

      • Kettlebell Slalom Run: 4 sets of weaving through cones with kettlebell in hand

      • Lateral Kettlebell Drags: 3 sets of 20 meters

  3. Finisher:

    • Kettlebell Ladders: Choose a moderate-weight kettlebell and perform a ladder of swings, starting at 5 reps and increasing by 5 until you reach 25, then work back down to 5.

  4. Cool Down:

    • Yoga Flow: 10 minutes with focus on hip and shoulder mobility

Day 3: Endurance and Recovery

Focus: Building stamina, conditioning, and incorporating recovery work with kettlebells.

  1. Warm-Up:

    • Light Jog or Row: 10 minutes

    • Joint Mobility Drills: 5 minutes

  2. Workout:

    • Endurance Circuit (5 rounds with minimal rest):

      • Kettlebell Push-Ups: 15 reps (hands on kettlebells for deeper range of motion)

      • Kettlebell Squat to Press: 12 reps

      • Kettlebell Reverse Lunges: 10 reps per side

      • Kettlebell Deadlift High Pulls: 12 reps

      • Kettlebell Sit-Ups: 15 reps (hold kettlebell at chest)

    • Kettlebell Carries:

      • Farmer's Walk: 3 sets of 60 seconds (heavy kettlebells in each hand)

      • Waiter’s Walk: 3 sets of 40 meters per side (kettlebell held overhead)

    • Isometric Holds:

      • Kettlebell Goblet Hold: 60 seconds

      • Kettlebell Plank Drag: 45 seconds per side

  3. Finisher:

    • Kettlebell Complex: Perform 5 reps of each movement without rest, and repeat for 3-5 rounds:

      • Kettlebell Snatch

      • Kettlebell Clean and Press

      • Kettlebell Goblet Squat

      • Kettlebell Swing

  4. Cool Down:

    • Static Stretching: 10 minutes

    • Deep Breathing Exercises: 5 minutes



Wolverine Kettlebell Workout Routine