Wolverine Kettlebell Workout Routine

wolverine physique


In this segment of the Superhero Training series, we are covering the Wolverine Kettlebell Workout!

Since the release of Deadpool and Wolverine, I am still on this what seems to be never ending hype high. So, this week of Superheroes will be mainly spent on covering those two characters.

For the sake of the movie release, you can check out all of our content related to Deadpool and Wolverine here:

And since we did the full Wolverine breakdown, we can go straight into the training in this article!

And in case you missed it, you can check it out here.

Want to learn more about Kettlebell Training?

Check out why it's one of the superior training methods before diving into this workout.

And for those that want more awesome free workouts, you can check them out in our training lists:

Don't worry—we have plenty of additional resources to apply to your training.

Note: This workout is strictly based on Kettlebells and some Calisthenics. It is tailored for those needing more space or budget for a gym.

This workout will be a full Kettlebell workout inspired by Wolverine.

Let's get into it!

Wolverine workout


Workout frequency: 1 day (repeatable)

Training description: This Wolverine kettlebell workout will help you build muscle, explosive power and bodyweight control like Wolverine


  1. Jumping Jacks - 2 minutes

  2. Dynamic Stretching - 5 minutes (focus on major muscle groups)

  3. Arm Circles - 1 minute forward, 1 minute backward

  4. Leg Swings - 1 minute per leg (forward and sideways)

Workout Routine

Circuit 1: Strength and Power (3 rounds)

  1. Kettlebell Swings - 15 reps

    • Focus on explosive hip drive.

  2. Pull-Ups - 10 reps

    • If needed, use a band for assistance.

  3. Kettlebell Goblet Squats - 12 reps

    • Keep chest up and squat deep.

  4. Plyometric Push-Ups - 10 reps

    • Explode off the ground with each rep.

  5. Kettlebell Deadlifts - 15 reps

    • Use a moderate weight and maintain good form.

Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.

Circuit 2: Agility and Control (3 rounds)

  1. Kettlebell Clean and Press - 10 reps per side

    • Clean the kettlebell to your shoulder and press overhead.

  2. Dips - 12 reps

    • Use parallel bars or a sturdy surface.

  3. Kettlebell Lunges - 12 reps per leg

    • Hold the kettlebell in a goblet position.

  4. Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds

    • Keep a steady and controlled pace.

  5. Kettlebell Renegade Rows - 10 reps per side

    • In a plank position, row the kettlebell to your hip.

Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.

Circuit 3: Core and Stability (3 rounds)

  1. Kettlebell Russian Twists - 20 reps (10 per side)

    • Hold the kettlebell with both hands and twist your torso.

  2. Hanging Leg Raises - 12 reps

    • Hang from a pull-up bar and lift your legs to your chest.

  3. Kettlebell Windmills - 8 reps per side

    • Focus on form and control.

  4. Plank with Shoulder Taps - 20 reps (10 per side)

    • Maintain a strong plank position while tapping your shoulders.

  5. Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up - 5 reps per side

    • Perform this complex movement with control and precision.

Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.

Cool Down (10 minutes)

  1. Static Stretching - Focus on all major muscle groups.

  2. Deep Breathing Exercises - 5 minutes

wolverine workout



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