Son Goku Calisthenics Workout: Real Life DragonBall Z Training

Goku Workout


In this segment of the Anime Training series, we are going over the full 3-day calisthenics training plan inspired by Goku from DragonBall Z!

A major part of Goku’s training is his utilization of different types of calisthenics techniques which includes standard, weighted calisthenics and different types of agility based training that enhances his performance.

We are going to put all those training principles together and create a workout that is not only convenient, but effective at helping you build your Goku physique!

And since we already covered the full breakdown, we are going to go straight into the workout in this article!

And in case you missed it, you can check it out here.

Want to learn more about Calisthenics?

Check out the best methods to make your bodyweight workouts AWESOME without overtraining, compromising simplicity, or plateauing.

And for those that want more awesome free workouts, you can check them out in our training lists:

Don't worry—we have plenty of additional resources to apply to your training.

Note: This workout is based on Calisthenics. It is tailored for those who may want to avoid committing to a gym membership or simply prefer bodyweight workouts.

This workout will be a full calisthenics workout inspired by Son Goku from DragonBall.

Let's get into it!

Goku physique


Workout frequency: 3 days 

Training description: This 3-day calisthenics workout plan reflects Goku’s versatility, combining bodyweight mastery with weighted calisthenics to build strength, explosiveness, speed, and endurance. You’ll train like a Saiyan, improving overall athleticism and body control while keeping true to Goku’s training philosophy!

Day 1: Goku Explosive Power & Strength

Goku’s power comes from his explosive strength. This day focuses on exercises that develop that same explosiveness using both bodyweight and weighted calisthenics.


  • Jump Rope: 5 minutes at a fast pace, focusing on light, quick footwork.

  • Dynamic Stretching: Arm circles, leg swings, and torso twists (10 each side).

Power Circuit (4 sets):

  1. Weighted Push-Ups: 10-12 reps
    Add a weight plate or a weighted vest to increase difficulty. Focus on explosive pushing power, like preparing for a Kamehameha.

  2. Weighted Pull-Ups: 6-8 reps
    Use a weight vest or belt for added resistance. Pull explosively as if powering through a tough battle.

  3. Jump Squats: 12-15 reps
    Explode upward with each jump, mimicking Goku’s leap into action during combat.

  4. Plyometric Dips (Parallel Bars): 10-12 reps
    Focus on explosiveness by pushing off with speed, engaging chest, shoulders, and triceps.

  5. Single-Leg Pistol Squats: 6-8 reps per leg
    Balance and control are key here. Goku’s agility comes from strong, balanced legs.

Explosiveness Finisher (3 sets):

  • Clapping Push-Ups: 8-10 reps

  • Tuck Jumps: 10-12 reps
    Both exercises enhance fast-twitch muscle fibers, giving you the power for quick, explosive moves.

Core Circuit (3 sets):

  • Hanging Leg Raises: 10-12 reps
    Engage the core as if preparing for a powerful kick.

  • V-Ups: 15 reps
    Focus on strong, controlled movements.

Cool Down:

  • Stretching focused on hamstrings, chest, and shoulders.

Day 2: Goku Endurance & Speed

Just like Goku’s ability to last through long battles, today’s workout is focused on building endurance and speed using bodyweight exercises.


  • Jump Rope: 5 minutes, alternating between fast and slow paces to simulate changes in battle speed.

  • Dynamic Stretching: Focus on hips, shoulders, and ankles.

Speed & Endurance Circuit (4 rounds):

  1. Burpees: 15-20 reps
    Full-body endurance move, perfect for conditioning like Goku’s long battles.

  2. Explosive Push-Ups (Bodyweight): 10-12 reps
    Focus on rapid push-offs from the ground, increasing your overall upper-body speed and power.

  3. Mountain Climbers: 30 seconds
    Keep your core tight, move fast, simulating Goku’s quick movements during fights.

  4. Chin-Ups: 8-10 reps
    Focus on a controlled movement to develop pulling strength and upper body endurance.

  5. Lunge Jumps: 10-12 reps each leg
    Increase leg endurance and speed with each jump, replicating fast leg movements.

Core Circuit (3 sets):

  • Russian Twists (Weighted if possible): 30 seconds
    Build rotational core strength for fast punches and kicks.

  • Plank to Push-Up: 30 seconds
    Builds core and upper-body endurance, necessary for prolonged fights.

Speed Finisher (3 sets):

  • High Knees: 30 seconds

  • Skater Hops: 12 reps each side
    Focus on maintaining speed and agility, key for martial arts footwork.

Cool Down:

  • Stretching with an emphasis on quads, hip flexors, and lower back.

Day 3: Goku Full-Body Strength & Control

This day is about strength and full-body control, incorporating advanced calisthenics movements and weighted techniques to challenge your whole body like Goku in battle.


  • Jump Rope: 5 minutes at a moderate pace, practicing different footwork techniques.

  • Joint Rotations: Wrist, ankle, and shoulder rotations (15 seconds each).

Strength & Control Circuit (4 sets):

  1. Weighted Dips (Parallel Bars): 8-10 reps
    Use a weight vest or belt. Engage chest, shoulders, and triceps for powerful pushing strength.

  2. Handstand Push-Ups: 6-8 reps
    A great bodyweight move for shoulder and upper body strength, requiring control and balance like Goku during an intense fight.

  3. Muscle-Ups: 4-6 reps
    Explosive pulling followed by pushing over the bar; Goku’s upper-body strength exemplified in one move.

  4. Pistol Squats (Weighted if possible): 6-8 reps per leg
    Use a kettlebell or weight for added resistance. This challenges leg strength and balance, building the stability required for quick martial arts movements.

  5. Dragon Flags: 5-8 reps
    A core exercise that mimics Goku’s ability to keep his body controlled under pressure.

Weighted Calisthenics Finisher (3 sets):

  • Weighted Pull-Ups: 6 reps

  • Weighted Push-Ups: 10 reps
    Both exercises target upper-body strength, adding resistance for progression and mimicry of Goku’s training under heavy gravity.

Core Circuit (3 sets):

  • Windshield Wipers: 10 reps
    Focus on core control and rotational strength for better movement in martial arts.

  • L-Sit Hold: 20 seconds
    Builds core endurance and control, perfect for simulating Goku’s ability to stay stable under pressure.

Cool Down:

  • Stretching focused on shoulders, hips, and legs for mobility.

Goku real life workout



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